Sunday, 23 August 2015

How my Classes have helped me in my daily life: 

Having a total of 5 different classes making up my timetable. Each one of them circle around different specs. Though very different, I feel that there is similarity in everything I've learnt so far.

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In our 2D fundamentals, we learn the very basics and needs of every designer. Things like Colour Theories, Shapes and Lines, etc. I never knew that any of these were so important until I stepped into the class. I always thought that a colour is just a colour, and a line is just a line. I was proven very wrong, there is always more to what meets the eye and I've learnt to look at things from a very different perspective.

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This is one of our most recent assignments, taking a natural object and experimenting on how to get different designs/prints that look very different, but still retain the characteristics of the original object.

Every object has very individual shapes and lines, it's only a matter of whether or not we are able to 'extract' them to create more than the ordinary. 


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In Visual Arts, we've been taught about the history of the 18th and 19th century. I never knew about any of the History and was unable to relate to it at all in the beginning. I always thought Art was just about the pencil and paper, I never knew that the History behind it or an art piece was so important. 

We were tasked as a Group each to pick a Movie and to discuss on it and to make a slide show accompanied with a presentation on the Movie. I had never put much thought into the Movies I have watched up till now, but having this class has really allowed me to take note or the things that happened in the past. Be it political or social, now, I feel that no matter how small it is always important to know the history behind something as it will help you in present times. And without it's history, you wouldn't have today. 


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In Drawing Fundamentals, we learn to control what we put on paper. Things like ink and pencil, can give you different textures and degrees of light or dark. One may think that it is simple to pick up a pencil and start drawing, but the amount of thought and care that you put through that pencil shows on the paper. 

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I've learnt that patience and thought is everything when it comes to drawing something, no matter how small or big the drawing is. Courage is also needed as many a times, when the size of the paper is really big, many of us find it daunting to even put our pencil on the paper. The thought of not being able to draw anything can leave you stuck at times. 

Patience and courage is key when it comes to creating any piece of Art, it's alright to be afraid and to make mistakes. But the paper's going to remain blank unless you start something. 


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In 3D, we learn to work with many different materials, things like wood, metal, paper and even fabric. Using these variations of materials, we are to create a 3D structure that is able to respond to the topic given. I never knew much about what the word 3D meant, other then something that wasn't on paper. 

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Being in this class has taught me that every material may be vastly different in terms of their textures and visual to the eye. But incorporated in the right way, it is able to form a structure that is interesting to look at. Given the topic "Movement" really made me ponder on how to put "Movement" into a physical sculpture.


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In creative thinking, I've really come to understand that everything can be seen in more than one way. Ideas are sitting all around us and that it is up to our abilities, whether or not we are able to take the ordinary and to turn it into a bright idea.  

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We've been taught, in this class to really use our brains to the best of our abilities. The above is assignment is an example, after writing the first 30 we were really stuck at a point on how to continue. Not to mention we have a total of 5 heads working together in a Group. It was a really nerve wrecking activity as we had to come up with 101 ways for something as mundane as breaking a Glass. 

I've learnt the importance of really sitting down and penning down whatever thoughts that come to your mind as some ideas just come in a flash and disappear almost immediately. Creativity is very important for us as designers. 



In class, I was shown a video which taught us how 'ideas' are made and of which are those worth sharing with the rest of the world. Many of the mundane things around us can be turned into potential design ideas that could make a big difference in our lives. Nothing is quite what it seems.

I now understand that everything around us is a potential design for a product or item. It's just a matter of whether we are able to look at it in a different angle. I feel that we are not making full use of what we have around us and are letting things slip by us too easily. It's the small things that help shape the different ideas in our minds.

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